Avoid Needless Failure
If you know me, you'll hear me say "we" a lot. "We" help you to avoid needless failure. I say this because it's not about me. I didn't get here on my own, I'm forever building on the shoulders of giants, and I'm continually giving and getting introductions from and to those who help you on another leg of your journey. There is a whole ecosystem locally, regionally, and globally at work... and we're all richer for it. A few notables:
This Fuse42 thing is really about you, the leader, the entrepreneur. I see excellent cohort-based resources available and would encourage you to get involved with the right ones for you. The problem is they have a specific point-A to point-B they are working with you to achieve. As awesome has that has proven over the years, who's working with you on the big picture, the long game, the outcomes you want? Keeping the isolated lessons a part of the grand plan? We want to facilitate a space where the big picture is key and the community is supportive. This is a peer-to-peer group, similar to Entrepreneur Organization but for those not there, not right, or not interested. My hope is, together, we can work to make you the entrepreneur you want to be. Successful, competent, well balanced, and changing the world for good. |
A few we've worked with...
"I honestly have never learned so much in my life already in a seven week time period. -- Nina, content entrepreneur |
"Joining a cohort of like-minded entrepreneurs is the most valuable aspect. Feeding off the motivations and energy helped propel me each week to do things that I might not have had the courage or energy to do. -- Christiaan, tech entrepreneur |
"I benefited 10x more from this one meeting compared to my whole last year with another mentor -- Nick, non-tech entrepreneur |
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Code of Ethics
Here are our code of ethics you agree to by coming to any meeting.
These meetings are treated as a Cone of Silence. What is talked about in the room, stays in the room.
It is vital to create a safe space where entrepreneurs can share and swap stories in confidence and vulnerability. Entrepreneurship is hard and can be lonely. We endeavour to create a space where entrepreneurs can be themselves, build camaraderie and trusted relationships with peers.
Any breaks in this trust will start with a suspension, be investigated, and if proven, will result in being asked to leave the group.
- Be quick to listen, slow to respond. Be curious to understand the real challenge of your fellow entrepreneur
- Exercise empathy. Entrepreneurship is hard – remember?
- Be humble, adding what you know to what they know. Learn from each other, too
- Being clear is kind, and unclear is unkind
- Tend towards Gestalt (don't prescribe a solution, offer stories from your own experience that can be learned through example)
- Treat information as private. Respect others work
- State what is fact and what is opinion
- Play full-on. You get what you give.